I was raised very close to my family, strongly believed that family is the most important thing you have and also does reflect upon some decisions or life changes you can make in life. They are always there to support you and will be at your bed-side when your decrepit and rely on someone to take care of you.
I have seen throughout the last couple of years that family to some people is not the same. It is merely just an excuse for someone to pay your bills, someone you can't turn to in times of need. There are familys that don't exist, broken apart, ruled by drugs, or just simply don't care.
Being a firm believer that I will not bring a life (child) into this world until I have found that one true person that know needs me because they love me not loves me because they need me. I want someone who is willing to build a long wonderful life with me to raise OUR kids in. Someone to wake up with on Christmas morning to see OUR child open presents in one location not to. I do not want to have an "every other" Christmas. Not that I would like a perfect family, everyone has their flaws, fights and splits. I would just like a family to call my own till the day I die. Getting that in this modern age is difficult, finding someone who cares about family as much or wants the same things is impossible to find.
There are many types of familys I have experienced. For instance, my family, very caring strong built, we always have our family dinners, meet up for birthdays and other holidays. Split familys, no matter what a child always ventures to one side the mother or father. I have seen alot of these in recent times, consider me old school or not but once married thats it. If you as a parent believe a divorce will not ruin your childs life you are wrong, deciding which parent you want to live with or having no say in it is the worst possible thing you can do to a child. Granted, sometimes the step-father becomes more of a father then the actual one. I have witnessed a lesbian family, with the father still involved, I believe it can work but to have your child understand that later in life is probably one of your hardest task possible. A bar family, people who have their family dinners and gatherings at bar, the only place you see your childeren is at a bar a sit down family dinner does not exist, but those parents still love their childeren just as much, but from what I've seen they love the bar people that much too it will tear your child up young or old when they see more effort of motherhood put into people who will not care for you when your old.
If you are not willing to work to have a family and do whatever it takes to make it worth then what's life worth? You might have material items to call your own, or plenty of girlfriends, but in the end who will be by your bedside when you go? Think twice before you cancel a dinner with your family to go get drunk or laid. I have a dream and that dream is in the future to have a family to call my own. ;D
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